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Melania Trump visits Ghana slave fort on first Africa tour

From Ghana, Melania Trump will visit Kenya, Malawi and Egypt, which she describes as the "four beautiful and very different countries in Africa" before concluding her Africa tour.

As announced,  US First Lady Melania Trump arrived on Tuesday in Ghana for the first session of her solo trip to Africa.
On her second day in Ghana, the first lady has decided to visit a former slave fort in Ghana. At Cape Coast Castle in the 17th Century  slaves were stripped naked before being taken to be sold to their slave masters.

Traditional ruler and Melania Trump

Melania Trump with local chief Osabarimba Kwesi Atta II before visiting the fort: PHOTO BY DAILY GRAPHIC

“dungeon is really something that people should see and experience” and “what happened so many years ago is really a tragedy,” Mrs Trump said.

From Ghana, Melania Trump will visit Kenya, Malawi and Egypt, which she describes as the “four beautiful and very different countries in Africa” before concluding her Africa tour.

Mrs Trump intends to spend a whole week in Africa helping with children welfare.

“It’s very emotional. I will never forget [the] incredible experience and the stories that I heard.”

Children carry flags as they greet U.S. first lady Melania Trump on arrival in Accra

School children welcoming Mrs Trump in Accra on Tuesday : PHOTO BY REUTERS

To achieve her aim of providing humanitarian aid, the first lady visited the Ridge Hospital in the capital, Accra together with Ghana’s First Lady Rebecca Akufo-Addo.

Mrs Trump observed babies being weighed as part of a project aimed at promoting nutrition in children, which is supported by funding from the US government’s foreign aid organisation, USAid.

“She is interested in Africa because she has never been there before and knows that each country will have its own unique history and culture.” Stephanie Grisham, her communications director, said.

“My final stop, which is Egypt, will focus on the country’s tourism and conservation projects,” Mrs Trump said.

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