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Lyantonde student delivers at school and dumps baby in pit latrine

one of the student reported about a baby crying in the pit-latrine. school administrators to always conduct routine checkups of students to ensure that they are not pregnant or have no serious health issues

A senior one student in Lyatonde has allegedly delivered a baby and dumped it in  the school pit latrine.

According to the school head teacher, Mr Aloysius Mawulugungu one of the student reported about a baby crying in the pit-latrine.

“But we did not take her serious until residents started convening at the school after information had circulated around. They started digging up the latrine after confirming that the baby was still alive” he said.

An emergency assembly was convened only to find out that the baby belonged to one of  their own student which prompted them to involve the police.

Ms Kereni Namara, the Lyantonde District Police Commander, said police had taken the student and her baby to St Elizabeth health unit for treatment and investigations are still ongoing.

“I advise the school administrators to always conduct routine checkups of students to ensure that they are not pregnant or have no serious health issues,” she said.

However, residents urged police to extend its investigations into the school male staff to make sure that the incidents of sexual abuse doesnt originate from the school itself.

“They were blocking us from accessing the school. If they were not hiding something, why were they trying to restrain people from entering into the school to rescue the baby? The school leaders should be investigated for sexual abuse,” Mr Joseph Mukasa one of the residents said.

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