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China’s National Health Commission Advices Medical Institutions to Use Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to Treat Coronavirus

China’s National Health Commission Advices Medical Institutions to Use Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to Treat Coronavirus

As scientists race to find a cure and vaccine, China is increasingly turning to its traditional remedies. As of late last month, more than 85% of all coronavirus patients in China — about 60,000 people — had received herbal remedies alongside mainstream antiviral drugs and there was improvement. Chinese government’s push to use Traditional Chinese […]

UN Issues $15m to Vulnerable Countries Fight Coronavirus

UN Issues $15m to Vulnerable Countries Fight Coronavirus

Fighting against Coronavirus, the United Nation’s Central Emergency Fund has donated $15 million to fund vulnerable countries with weak health care systems to contain the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. The announcement came as the World Health Organization (WHO) upgraded the global risk of the coronavirus outbreak to ‘very high’ – its top level of […]

Countries with Confirmed Cases of Wuhan Coronavirus

Countries with Confirmed Cases of Wuhan Coronavirus

Wuhan coronavirus has become a global epidemic, according to CNN the number of confirmed cases globally stood at 31,420, with more than 31,000 of those in mainland China with 638 deaths. Coronaviruses cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). Coronavirus outbreak was […]

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