Parliamentary Appointments Committee

NRM Parliamentary Caucus approves six new ministries to Uganda’s cabinet

The NRM Parliamentary caucus that sat today at state house Entebbe has approved 6 more ministries. The new ministries include the state ministry for tourism that has been separated from ministry of trade and tourism, attorney general has been separated from constitutional affairs. Other ministries created are Ministry for Teso affairs, Bunyoro affairs, oil and […]

Uganda Parliamentary appointments Committee

The ruling National Resistance army has named the parliamentary Appointments Committee members after President Yoweri Museveni named the new initial cabinet members. The parliamentary Appointments Committee vets all Presidential appointments. The MPs on the powerful committee are: Patrick Nakabale Sofia Nalule Mathias Kasamba Rose Najjemba Muwuma Milton Saleh Kamba Christine Aporu Alepa Peter Hood Katuramu […]

Members of Parliament ask to all witness vetting of Ministers

Members of parliament have called for the amendment of the parliamentary rules of procedure with a view of making vetting of ministerial nominees public. According to the MPs, this process should not be closed to MPs since they all defend government officials like ministers in their constituencies even without having participated in their vetting. Currently, […]