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Sierra Leone

Uganda health officials continue to place Ebola treatment centers on the congo boarders

Uganda health officials continue to place Ebola  treatment centers on the congo boarders

Its Evident that the threat of Ebola has calmed down in the United States and West Africa in the last two years, the disease continues to ravage parts of the African continent and Uganda has opened two Ebola treatment centers along its border with the Democratic Republic of Congo to help combat it. According to […]

Guinea and Sierra leone to learn from Uganda’s method of curbing Ebola

Guinea and Sierra leone to learn from Uganda’s method of curbing Ebola

Following the declaration that now they are free from Ebola but still under investigations, Guinea has pledged to use similar systems Uganda uses in the fight against outbreaks. Guinea and Sierra leone were worst hit by the Ebola outbreaks where 0ver 11000 died and Uganda under the WHO arrangements sent experts to handle the curbing of […]

Learning from the West African Ebola Crisis

Learning from the West African Ebola Crisis

The 2014 Ebola Crisis in West Africa has been the largest of its kind in recorded history. The crisis with 26,611 confirmed, probable, and suspected cases of Ebola Virus Disease reported in the three most affected countries has claimed 10,611 lives, according to a 15th April 2015 report by the UN Mission. With the crisis […]

Get opportunity in Grants for health development in developing countries

Grants For Health Development in Developing Countries: The British Council and the Tropical Health and Education Trust (THET) have jointly launched the International Health Links Funding Scheme (IHLFS) with the funding support of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and the Department of Health. The scheme will be implemented through a partnership, referred to […]

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