Fort Portal Mayor Asaba Ruyonga to focus on health and poverty reduction

The fort portal municipality mayor Asaba Edison Ruyonga has pledged to reduce child deaths and the poverty line by more than half by 2016.

The mayor observes that some parents in the municipality are poor because they spend much money on treating malaria.

He says that plans are under way for the municipality authorities to distribute mosquito nets to all children in the municipality to protect locals from malaria causing anopheles mosquitoes.

Asaba reveals that his office is working round the clock to see that Kataraka health centre 3 in east division is elevated to health centre 4 and that other health centres in the division are to be upgraded to health centre 3.

Asaba was speaking at his victory celebration in Fort Portal. During the same function,  Alex Ruhunda the Fort portal municipality member of parliament says that the development may not be realized if the councilors are not united and focused.

By Sunday Rogers


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