Committee appointed to resolve conflict between Tooro kingdom regents and clan leaders

The Tooro kingdom council sitting at Mucwa chambers has appointed a five man conflict resolution committee to engage the clan leaders who opposed the election of kingdom prime minister and the regents.

Dr Apollo Karugaba the Tooro kingdom prime minister observes that there has been a lot of confusion in the kingdom since the clan leader broke off from the regents.

Tooro King, Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukiidi IV

Tooro King, Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukiidi IV

The prime minister says that unless there is unity, the kingdom cannot do much in terms of spearheading development and appealed to the clan heads to respect the committee.

Karugaba says that the Tooro kingdom leaders are completely divided which has led to the loss of the kingdom’s integrity at national and international level that has turned to be a laughing story.

Karugaba explains that the court injunction that put a ban on the collection of rental taxes and the freezing of the kingdom’s bank accounts has hindered the growth and development of most Kingdoms’ activities.


The five man conflict resolution committee members include; the Bishop of Rwenzori diocese Rt Rev Reuben Kisembo, the Vika General fort portal diocese Fr Isaiah mayombo, Fr Peter Kumaraki, the Mountains of the Moon university chancellor Professor Edward Rugumayo and Mr Polly Kateba.

By Sunday Rogers


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