Dangers of hair turning brown

For some people it’s normal and common to have their hair turn from either black to brown after relaxing. Hair experts say that using poor quality products and rinsing chemicals thoroughly out of the hair can also lead to browning of the hair.

Hot combing, blow drying and too much heat applied directly to the hair also causes the hair to turn brown.

It is therefore very important to note that you use a setting hair lotion depending on the hair type and condition of the scalp.

Women should use polishers like the olive polisher in order to protect, moisturise, repair, shine and seal the hair from heat. The hair experts also advise women to protect their hair from the effect of direct heat.

It’s very important to analyze the condition and texture of the hair before treating it e.g. how thin or thick it is. Also analyse the state of your hair, is it natural, broken or colour-treated. Conditions like hair breakage, hair thinning, lack of hair growth, scalp damage and hair loss should be considered carefully when choosing which chemicals to use.

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