Acholi leaders have hope in ICC to prosecute LRA rebel Ongwen

Acholi legislators have rejoiced after captured LRA General Dominic
Ongwen was handed over the ICC, saying this is going to open a Pandora
box on who exactly killed people in northern Uganda.

Regan Okumu, who is also the MP for Aswa county told a news conference
at parliament said that much as the LRA was killing civilians, even
some elements within the NRA killed people and buried them in mass

He particularly singled out Gen. David Tinyefuza [Sejusa] whom he
accused of commanding what he called a devastating operation north
while he was state minister for defense in 1991.

Okumu says in that operation, the whole of northern Uganda was put
under quarantine where people were not allowed to enter or exit and in
the process, some attrocities by some commanders were carried out.

He said that as Acholis, they are happy that president Museveni
recently acknowledged that there were mistakes committed by his
officers on the ground against LRA and UPDA in Teso, but however, said
that much as Ongwen’s trial in ICC is welcome, government should
establish a National Truth and Reconciliation Commission similar to
that of South Africa.

He said that in such a commission, the truth will be told against
those who committed crimes and also seek for forgiveness while the
victims will be given war reparation [compensated] for the loss of
their relatives.

Okumu, who said his mom and dad were killed in LRA war, said that as
legislators, they have been pleading for this commission to be formed
for years back, but government continues to play it off and therefore
hope that the Ongwen trial might give birth to it.

Okumu added that actually, in the initial stages of the war in Teso
[UPDA] and LRA, the locals supported rebels heavily with food but this
could have angered government and reacted with maximum force.

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