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Reverend calls on all Christians to care for poor and underprivileged as Jesus did

The bishop of Namirembe diocese Rt. Rev. Wilberforce Kityo Luwalira called on all Christians to always care about the poor and underprivileged the way Jesus used to do during his time of service. While delivering his Christmas message Luwalira mentioned that there is need for each and everyone to reflect on how his neighbours are living to see that the country and world lives in peace and harmony after God giving us a lease on life.
He further castigate the violence in Burundi and continued acts of terrorism across the country noting more problems faced by Ugandans like land wrangles, political in-fights, poverty, among other deplorable states people are living in which now calls for everyone to care about the others for a better state. He now begs all Christians to put a smile of the faces of the poor and underprivileged during this festive season as he also cautions Ugandans to vote wisely not to mortgage their nation by voting the right leaders despite the on going intimidation.
He further questions those who care about the huge monies used to fund the on-going campaigns when schools, hospitals and roads are very poor; he also continues to demand and remind the electorates to vote leaders who will stand by the values of Ugandans and Christians.

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