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Budama West North MP asks government to investigate delay by Kenya to extend SGR to Malaba

Okoth said that the delay could be the intention to sabotage Uganda to join the SGR in Kenya quickly when the Uganda’s SGR reaches malaba after  the Exim bank gets the funds for this project.

Kenya’s standard gauge Railway was built from Mombasa to Nairobi and its second phase is to stop at Kisumu leaving out the stretch to malaba.

Okoth sits on the physical infrastructure committee of parliament said that there could be geo-politics by Kenya to delay its SGR to reach Uganda boarder at malaba and he called government to investigate and sort out this.

However, okoth said that government needs to sensitize the people compensated for the land where such projects are going to pass because when they get huge money they are not used get excited and misuse it.

He added that people in his area where this SGR is going to pass were conned by traditional witch doctors whom they went for to ensure that they change the minds of surveyors using the spirits so as the SGR pass through their land and also get such money.

Government approved a loan of 45.5 billion shillings for construction of the standard gauge railway but the project stalled because of the delay by Exim bank of china to release the required funds.

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