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Women to be charged with rape

A new law is in offing to charge women with rape against men.

The parliamentary legislative council is expected to propose a new section to the parliamentary legal committee to be inserted in the sexual offences bill 2015 to charge women with rape.

Currently it is only men who have been facing rape charges against men though women especially the old rich ladies have been accused of forcing young boys into sex.

However this proposal would cause division among members of parliament under the Uganda parliamentary women Association (UWOPA) where some members are opposing the proposed section against women charged with rape and others are gearing to push for this law.

While attending the training of MPS on women laws at hotel Africana organized by Plan International  and Uganda women parliamentarian  Association ,the  woman mp for Buyende district, Veronica Babirye Kadogo, and the Member of Parliament for Kumi municipality, Silas Aogon, this law will be rendered redundant since it is difficult to prove rape cases against women.

The woman mp for Mitoma district, Jovah kamateka, said that the proposal to charge women with rape is necessary though it is not common for women to rape men.

She said that some women put young boys in compromising situation and force them into sex.

The sexual offences bill 2015 was tabled before parliament by the woman mp for kumi district, Monica Anoding, and its now before the parliamentary legal committee for scrutiny.

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