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New IGP Ochola dumps Kayihura cronies

New IGP Ochola Dumps Kayihura Cronies

New Inspector General of Police, Okoth Micheal Ochola has in a stunning move shuffled police officers, dumped

his predecessor’s cronies and redeployed senior

Current Inspector Of Police Okoth Micheal Ochola

officer’s that had been sidelined for long.

In a message to all police units and signed off by Ochola himself, AIGP Abbas Byakagaba is appointed the new police director in charge of Counter Terrorism. Byakagaba is an FBI trained expert in counter terrorism, hostage negotiation. He has been languishing as Director in charge of Oil and Gas.

Byakagabe replaces AIGP John Ndugutse who has been also serving as the police attache in Kenya a position he retains.

SCP Stephen Tanui who had been taken to the reserve force, bounces back as deputy commander Field Force Unit which will be headed by SCP Ali Fadhir Kaali who had also been sent to the oil and gas directorate.

Senior Commissioner of Police, Henry Tukahirwa, who had been deployed as head of the Police Reserve Task Force, a new unit for reserve police officers by Kayihura has now been deployed as deputy director in charge of welfare in the directorate of welfare and production.

Kayihura, in his last act as IGP had knifed Richard Edyegu (SCP) and Anne Tusiime (SCP) and transferred them to ‘special assignments’ but Ochola has not returned them as deputy directors in the directorate of Logistics and Engineering respectively.

Dennis Namuwoza, whom Kayihura had transferred to Kampala South Commander will now be Deputy Kampala Metropolitan Area Commander.

Sarah Kibwika, is now the acting commander traffic police operations after she completed a refresher course.


1.Deputy Kampala Metropolitan Police Commander, Ezekel Emitu has been sent to Aswa as Regional Police Commander.

2. AIGP Abas Byakagaba has been picked from the IGP’s office where he has been as Director in charge Oil and Gas and sent to Counter Terrorism as Director.

3. John Ndugutse who has been both attaché and Director Counter Terrorism will stay an attaché based in Nairobi.

4. SCP Stephen Tanui has been removed from IGP’s office and sent to the field as Deputy Field Force Unit (FFU) commander.

5. SCP Ali Kaali who has also been under IGP’s office under Oil and Gas Directorate has been appointed Field Force Unit (FFU) commander.

6. Kampala Metropolitan South Regional Police Commander (RPC)-Dennis Namuwoza has been appointed as Deputy Kampala Metropolitan Police Commander (KMP).

7. Anne Tusiime who has been under IGP’s office has been sent to the Directorate of Construction.

8.SCP Kasalawo Christopher has been removed from FFU and appointed deputy director Oil and Gas.

9.SCP Edyegu Richard has been removed from IGP’s office and appointed deputy director I& F

10.SCP Tukahiirwa Henry from IGP’s office to directorate of welfare.

11.CP Bazil Mugisha has been moved from I&F to T&RS as Director

12. CP Halango Timothy from HRM to Strategic Planning

13. CP Opolot Jacob appointed operations officer FFU

14.CP Nuwabiine Lawrence from IGP’S office to Welfare and Production.

15.ACP Esther Akwango from the IGP’s office and has been sent to Women Affairs.

16.ACP Kibwika Sarah has been appointed Ag CP Traffic Operations.

17.ACP Emodingo Anthony appointed Ag CP Traffic Administration.

18.ACP Ecotu Agapitus removed from FFU to CT as Operations Officer Oil& Gas division.

19.SSP Mirondo Fred from ASTU to IGP’s office as personal Assistant(Legal)

20.SSP Kakamba Paul from Kidepo to KMP south as RPC.

21.SSP Onencan Stephen moved from sezibwa to Kidepo as RPC.

22.ASP Kamar Stepehen move from greater Bushenyi to Amuria as OC Station Kapelabyong.

23.ASP Kyahurwa Frank form office of IGP to CIID Head Quarters.

ALSO READ: Police budget slashed by 721 billion

VIDEO: Police can benefit a lot from military tactics – Deputy IGP Brig Muzeeyi

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