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Crocodiles kill over 240 people in Namayingo District, says area MP

Crocodiles kill over 240 people in Namayingo District, says area MP

The Member of Parliament for Bukhooli Island County in Namayingo district, George Abbot Ouma has asked parliament to prevail over government and find a permanent solution to the crocodiles killing his constituents.

Abbot Ouma told parliament that about 400 people have been attacked by the crocodiles, 240 people killed since 1998 of these 83 are children.

He noted that about 70 people killed have been killed in a period of a year.

He pleaded to government to procure water tanks to the schools of Bukhooli Islands to stop school going children from being eaten by crocodiles while fetching water from the swamps.

He asked government to construct a bridge between the swamps in the area to avoid children and adults crossing these swamps from being attacked by crocodiles and to also compensate the families of the victims of crocodiles.

The speaker of parliament Rebecca Kadaga promised the matter to be investigated and a solution is found.

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