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YMCA student Brian Isiko finally granted bail on a cash bond of one million

Isiko is accused of sending love messages to to Kabarole district woman MP Sylvia Rwaboogo who termed them as being against her life due to fear.

YMCA student Brian Isiko was on Thursday granted bail on a cash bond of Shs1 million by the Buganda Road Court grade one magistrate Stellah Amabilis pending the hearing of the case.

Isiko is accused of sending love messages to to Kabarole district woman MP Sylvia Rwaboogo who termed them as being against her life due to fear.


YMCA student Brian Isiko(left) with mother(right) was on Thursday granted bail on a cash bond of Shs1 million

The 25-year-old finally paid the one million shillings court asked him to deposit as bail having spent the entire week in prison for failure to reach the amount.

Isiko missed his end of year exams at YMCA-Jinja branch where he was admitted at the beginning of this year for a certificate in Accountancy while in prison.

The mother of the 25 year old Rachael Nakamya has hailed thanks of all the financial support extended to her family since June 2018 when her son was first charged before Buganda Road court and sentenced to a 2-year imprisonment term.

However, the punishment was later the High court due to procedural errors.

Isiko is expected back to Buganda Road Court grade one magistrate Stellah Amabilis court on October 29 2018 to face the charges.


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