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National Planning Authority

Finance ministry to withhold funds for government departments lacking plans

Finance ministry to withhold funds for government departments lacking plans

The Ministry of Finance has threatened to halt the release of funds to all ministries, department and agencies that have failed to submit their plans for the financial year 2017/2018. According to statistics from the National Planning Authority, of the total current number of 130 ministries, department and agencies, only 27 have successfully submitted their […]

National Planning Authority asked to improve Uganda Vision 2040

National Planning Authority asked to improve Uganda Vision 2040

Members of parliament are still opposed to the Uganda Vision 2040 proposed by the National Planning Authority. The mps who were interfacing with officials from national planning authority at parliament said that the said vision was not got from the NPA officials but from the executive that lack expertise. They say that such a long […]

Police investigates corruption in National Planning Authority

  The police have started investigations into the reported corruption at the National Planning Authority. The probe follows reports of gross mismanagement of public funds and illegal recruitment of workers at the National Planning Authority. The police probe preliminary reports indicates that the authority has been conducting irregular repair of vehicles without following the proper […]

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