vienna convention on the law of treaties

DP petitions parliament over election of East African Legislative Members

The Democratic Party has written to the members of Uganda parliament giving its position of the law relating to the elections of EALA members. Our news desk has brought you the petition in full and it goes as follows: Date: 20th February 2012 Hon .Members of the 9th Parliament Parliament of the Republic of Uganda […]

DP again sues Uganda in East African court of Justice

The Democratic Party has once again suedUganda,Burundi,Rwanda,Kenya, andTanzaniain the East African court of justice. The details of the suit are as follows:  Reference No 2 of 2012,  The Democratic Party ——– Applicant  Versus  1. The Attorney General of Uganda (Sued in representative capacity)- 1st Respondent 2. The Attorney General ofKenya                                                      – 2nd Respondent. 3. The […]