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women in public service project

Uganda’s women seek for 50/50 representation in Public Service by 2050

Uganda’s women seek for 50/50 representation in Public Service by 2050

A number of women activists in Uganda have been calling for 50/50 women representation in public service. But will they get what they want? Zakaria Tiberindwa explores the possibilities Time check, it is 8:00am here in Entusi Resort and Retreat Centre, an island on a Lake Bunyonyi in Kabale District. In 30 minutes time we […]

Live coverage of the Women in Public Service Project: Uganda Launch at Entusi Resort in Kabaale

Live coverage of the Women in Public Service Project: Uganda Launch at Entusi Resort in Kabaale

The women in public service project (WPSP) is pleased to announce “Leadership for Transparent and Accountable Governance,” a leadership training institute in Uganda that is taking place from 6th – 9th March 2015 at Entusi Resort and Retreat Center in Kabaale District, Uganda. This event is brought to you live by Ultimate Multimedia Consult. The institute in […]

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