Barren women can be operated to get pregnant


An operation is needed for barren women so that they can become pregnant. It is certain that a woman can be pregnant even after such an operation.

The removal of fibroids enhances the chances of a woman getting pregnant, especially when there is no other problem causing the infertility.

This so if a woman is in her fertile early 20s, and she has no complications like infections or bad scars that may involve the fallopian tubes following surgery.

The doctors say that it is useful to remove fibroids after doing tests to see whether the fallopian tubes are patent (clear) since blocked tubes are a common cause of infertility in Uganda and in East Africa.

On several occasions the removal of a certain type of fibroids found near the inside of the womb (sub mucosal fibroid) have a successful outcome with many getting pregnant but not other types of fibroids. For how long a woman should wait before trying to get pregnant after surgery depends on the number, size and location of fibroids.

However it is advisable that a woman gets pregnant within three to six months after the operation is done because waiting too long might not help much as the fibroids might grow again.

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