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MPs join Papal fundraising drive

MPs at parliament after receiving rosaries
Members and staff of Parliament led by the Clerk to Parliament, Mrs. Jane Kibirige and  Mawokota south MP Kenneth Bbosa Kiyingi have contributed to the fundraising drive towards the preparation for the Papal visit, next week. The fundraising drive involved the MPs and staff purchasing over 50 souvenir rosaries from the Vision Group. The proceeds from the sale of the rosaries will be used to renovate the Namugongo Uganda Martyrs’ Shrine and other preparations around the Papal visit. These rosaries were imported from Italy, Rome and were blessed by the Pope.
Mrs. Kibirige said the Parliament was more than willing to support the Catholic Church towards the Papal visit preparations.
“We have collected over 50 rosaries so far and we plan on sending a separate contribution to the Catholic Church, our only setback is the fact that the MPs are on recess,” Mrs. Kibirige said. “However, we expect them next week and we will collect even more money,” she added.
The proceeds from the sale were received by Mr. Robert Kabushenga, the CEO of Vision Group who is at the forefront of the fundraising drive. Kabushenga expressed his gratitude towards the solidarity shown by Parliament.
“We have been doing whatever we can to see that we are ready for the Pope when he visits the country next week and on behalf of the Catholic Church, we are welcoming any support extended towards us,” Kabushenga said. “I am pleased to be here today and happy that Parliament has joined us in this drive,” he added.
Kabushenga said that the names and the funds collected will be taken to Archbishop Cyprian Kizito Lwanga  who will acknowledge receipt and take note of all those who have contributed to the cause. The fundraising drive spearheaded by the CEO Vision Media Group, Robert Kabushenga and the Catholic Church is in a bid to prepare ahead of the special visit of Pope Francis from 27th November to 29th November 2015. The funds will go towards the renovation of the Namugongo and Munyonyo Martyrs’ Shrines.

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