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Government apologies for delay in releasing nodding disease funds

Ministry of Finance is to sign a warrant releasing nodding disease funds

David Bahati – Internet Photos

Government has apologized for the delay in releasing the approved funds for treatment and management of nodding disease.

The minister of State for Planning, David Bahati made the apology after the MP for Tochi County, Peter Okot, raising the matter on the floor of parliament.

Bahati said that the Ministry of Finance is to sign a warrant releasing this money which was authorized by parliament through a supplementary budget.

On 14th March this year, parliament approved 1.2 billion shillings to support eight districts and two regional referral hospitals for treatment and management of nodding disease but the money has not been released.

ALSO READ: State House disowns claims by Lands Minister Betty Amongi

RELATED:President Museveni orchestrated spread of nodding disease – Besigye


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