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Muntu’s New Formation starts recruiting members

One of top leaders of the New Formation, Ms Alice Alaso said they intend to recruit a minimum of 20,000 members before the launch of the party in December. A total of 58 communication officers received training last week on how to effectively communicate via mainstream and social media, which is the party's major communication means.

Sources who preferred anonymity told daily monitor the New Formation is recruiting members on voluntary basis despite having plans to reach out to nationally recognised politicians who may wish to work with the new party.
“This party is not looking at bringing down another party but we are willing to work with anyone out there so long as they buy into our ideology,” the source said.
One of top leaders of the New Formation, Ms Alice Alaso said they intend to recruit a minimum of 20,000 members before the launch of the party in December.
She clarified that the group appointed  district coordinators, some of whom are former FDC chairpersons, to help in the membership recruitment per district.
A total of 58 communication officers received training last week on how to effectively communicate via mainstream and social media, which is the party’s major communication means.
“We are giving a direction on the quality of the message to tell the public since there have been some people who have been going to the media to distort our message out there. We are looking at civility of mobilisation by not being confrontational,
“Our meetings are set up as and when the convener tells the members that there is something on table to be discussed. I chair the meetings as the convener the same way I did at the unveiling of the New Formation.” Ms Alaso said.

Some of the core members of the new group

Stephen Ochola. He is the former Serere County MP in the 9th Parliament. He was one of the people that accompanied Gen Muntu to the meeting with FDC president Patrick Amuriat Oboi at Fairway Hotel in Kampala where a report from the countrywide consultations was tabled. Mr Ochola was among the top officials at the unveiling of the New Formation.

Mary Francis Kabateraine: She is the managing director of Kabateraine Memorial School in Mbarara. The former Mbarara Municipal councillor has been a staunch mobiliser of the FDC in Ankole sub-region.

Yokasi Bihande. He represented Bukonzo East, Kasese District, in Parliament from 2007 to 2016. Mr Bihande, who is the husband of Ms Winfred Kiiza, the former Leader of the Opposition in Parliament, served as Kasese District chairperson between 1996 and 2006. He chaired the organising committee that planned the unveiling of the New Formation.

Margaret Pauline Namagembe. She has been a staunch member of FDC and contested for the Wakiso District Woman MP seat in 2016 elections but lost to State minister for Education Rosemary Seninde.

Miria Matembe. The former Ethics minister fell out with President Museveni in 2005 when Parliament amended the Constitution to lift the presidential term limits. Currently a woman rights activist, Ms Matembe is one of the core teams behind the New Formation.

Wilberforce Seryazi. He is a practicing lawyer in Kampala and has been a mobiliser for FDC in Wakiso District. Sources say Mr Seryazi is one of the key people in handling the drafting of the paperwork for the new political party, working with other legal experts behind the scene. Mr Seryazi was the moderator of the press conference at which Gen Muntu unveiled the New Formation.(Source: Daily Monitor)

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