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National Medical Stores

Cabinet to scrap UNRA , NMS in merger of government agencies

Cabinet to scrap UNRA , NMS in merger of government agencies

 Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) and National Medical Stores are to be scrapped off and merged with other mother ministries to reduce wastage of resources. The decision was taken in two meetings with the first held on August 20 and the last one on Monday last week according to a source. The source said President […]

Kabatsi inaugurates Board Members for Uganda Veterinarians

Kabatsi inaugurates Board Members for Uganda Veterinarians

State Minister for Animal Resources, Joy Kabatsi, has inaugurated a seven member board for Uganda Veterinarians, calling them to be quick in supporting cabinet to transfer veterinary drugs from the National medical stores to the ministry of agriculture. The Board which has not been in place for three years is chaired by Dr. John Nuwagaba. […]

National Medical Stores in shortage of ARVs for children

National Medical Stores in shortage of ARVs for children

The reports from the National Medical Stores indicate that if government does not release funds to have a new stock for children ARVs, the shortage will impact negatively to the patients. This was disclosed by the executive director of the National medical stores, Moses Kamabare while members of parliament on the health committee were touring […]

PAC grills Dr. Orem over expired drugs in stores

PAC grills Dr. Orem over expired drugs in stores

The parliamentary public Accounts committee grilled the director of the Uganda cancer institute, Dr. Jackson Orem, over accepting the National medical stores to over stock the institute with the Anti-cancer medicines which could not be consumed and hence expired in stores. MPs on the committee chaired by Jinja East municipality MP Paul Mwiru while, interfacing […]

Accountant arrested for fraudulent transfer of1.2billion to secret account

Police have arrested an accountant for the alleged fraudulent transfer of 1.2billion shillings from the ministry of health account to an unknown account in ABC Capital Bank purported to belong to the National Medical Stores. Police alleges that, Alex Gumisiriza an accountant attached to the Global Fund Programme forged paper work on how the funds […]

MPs task National Medical Stores on drug theft

MPs task National Medical Stores on drug theft

The parliamentary Public Accounts Committee is concerned over the increasing theft and disappearance of Government drugs from the National Medical Stores, which has often been blamed for the shortage of drugs in Hospitals. The Committee chaired by Terego County MP Kassiano Wadri discovered that a lot of drugs disappear on the way calling for an […]

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