
Scientist rejuvenate women’s ovaries after menopause

Scientist rejuvenate women’s ovaries after menopause

Scientists claim to have effectively reversed the menopause by ‘rejuvenating’ women’s ovaries. The Greek team says the technique enabled women to release eggs and re-start their periods, according to an article published by the Daily Mail. One woman began menstruating even after a five-year hiatus, New Scientist reports. ‘[The treatment] offers a window of hope that […]

Oily fish could save you from bowel cancer

Oily fish could save you from bowel cancer

A new study has found out that eating a lot of omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish like tuna and salmon can greatly increase one’s chances of survival from  bowel cancer. The study released and published Wednesday by the British journal Gut bases its findings on an analysis of data from more than […]

Children and pregnant women facing mulnutrition

Children and pregnant women facing mulnutrition

Nutrition experts warn that the continued the feeding of children and pregnant mothers with none nutritional foods will impact negatively on the country’s economy and health living of the population. The nutrition specialist at Jinja regional hospital, Toko Mansuru says  that most Ugandans have failed to provide their children and themselves with nutritious foods but instead […]

UNICEF warns of a spike in HIV infections due to El Nino

UNICEF warns of a spike in HIV infections due to El Nino

Drought exacerbated by the El Nino weather pattern could lead to a spike in new HIV infections in southern Africa as women and girls turn to sex to survive and patients miss treatments, the United Nations children’s’ agency UNICEF said on Tuesday. More than 60 million people, two thirds of them in east and southern […]

Sanitary pads needed for school going girls

Sanitary pads needed for school going girls

The Member of Parliament for Gomba west in Gomba district Robinah Rwaboga says that as government is looking for funds to provide sanitary pads to the girl child in schools there should be an intervention to urgently give girls in schools sanitary pads. Rwabwoga says that a number of girls are missing 3-4 days in a […]

Ambassador calls for educating men and boys on family planning

Ambassador calls for educating men and boys on family planning

The Netherlands Ambassador to Uganda Alphons Hennekens  calls for a concerted effort to make men and boys aware of the need for family planning and support of the use of contraceptives. Ambassador Alphons made the remarks while reacting to media reports that about 70% of women use contraceptives without the consent of their husbands. He says […]

Youth call for HIV testing age to move from 18 to 12 years

Youth call for HIV testing age to move from 18 to 12 years

A new report shows that youth demand for the lowering of the age consent for HIV/AIDS testing for the young generation. This was revealed by the young people in the base line survey conducted in Luwero and Nakasongola districts by the community health Alliance Uganda on top of other districts in Buganda and Busoga  under the […]

570 young girls infected with Aids in Uganda weekly- UN report

570 young girls infected with Aids in Uganda weekly- UN report

At least 570 young girls are infected with HIV in Uganda according to the latest findings by a United Nations report. The findings is a set back to the country’s efforts to curb the scourge that has claimed thousands of lives since it was first discovered in the early 80’s. It is also more scaring […]

Speaker meets outgoing UNAIDS country representative

Speaker meets outgoing UNAIDS country representative

The outgoing United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) representative to Uganda Musa Bangudu says that 95 % of pregnant women with HIV/AIDS are on antiretroviral treatment. He made the revelation while visiting the speaker of parliament Rebeca Kadaga at parliament. He also revealed that the number of babies catching the HIV/AIDS has reduced by 86% in Uganda. […]

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