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hiv/aids in uganda

Uganda Government seeks for funds to carry out house to house HIV testing

Uganda Government seeks for funds to carry out house to house HIV testing

Ministry of Health seeks for Ushs 450 billion to carry out an integrated house to house testing for HIV and Aids, Malaria and hepatitis B in the whole Country to establish how many people have these sicknesses. The campaign will target those people aged 14 years and above as well as the Children at risk […]

USAID project to help Uganda police fight HIV/AIDS

The western region police commander Kwanya Wilson has challenged the police force to live an exemplary life in the fighting against HIV/AIDS. Kwanya says that the Ugandan government trains police officers to be change agents in the society. He appeals to officers to fight temptations that lead them to acquire AIDS citing prostitutes, poverty and  […]

Mountains of the Moon University students urged to use ABC method to fight HIV/AIDS

The youth in the western region have been urged to embrace the ABC strategy in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Speaking during public lecture on development and prevention of disease at Mountains of the Moon main campus at Saaka yesterday, the university chancellor professor Edward Rugumayo disclosed that the chances of curing HIV/AIDs are […]

Health care activists concerned on HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in Kasese

Reports of increased HIV/AIDS prevalence in Kasese district have sparked off concern among health care activists in the district who say little has been done to render vital services. HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in Kasese stands at 11.3% where above the national prevalence rate which stands at 6.5%. The district bi-statistical Dr. shadrach Bakulirahi told a […]

Uganda Church use mass weddings to fight cohabitation and HIV/AIDS

Of late many young people have been faced with challenges of making long lasting commitments to their loved ones by marrying in church. As a result, many are living a life of a couple that cannot religiously be held as one because the two have not committed to one another. However born again churches have […]

Is Universal Access to HIV/AIDS Antiretroviral drugs in Uganda a Reality or myth?

A mixture of hope and gloom hangs as thousands of HIV/AIDS patients receive and others await free antiretroviral drugs in different parts of Uganda. Gertrude Akol, 43, who started ARV treatment in 2007, says she owes all her life to ARVs, because she found out her HIV status late. “When my husband died in 2005, […]

HIV/AIDS to weaken Uganda’s economy

Makerere University Department of Public Health Don Dr. Elizeus Rutebemberwa has revealed that by 2025 Uganda’s economy will be reduced by up to 39 percent due to the increased prevalence of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uganda. HIV/AIDS prevalence rates in Uganda have stagnated causing worries among the various stakeholders especially the civil society, the government and donors. Dr. Rutebemberwa […]

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