
Zuena now resorts to taxi transport

  Gargamel crew first lady and singer Bebe Cool’s wife Zuena has turned to using boda bodas and taxis to move around the city. Zuena, a mother and also an upcoming artist has been seen a number of times by our informers in Kampala jumping into taxis or on boda bodas like ordinary persons. Recently […]

Judiciary week long tour to cost Ugandans 800 millions

We have intercepted crucial information that the judiciary’s week long integrity tour will cost Ugandan taxpayers 800 million shillings. A source in accounts department in the judiciary informed us yesterday that the money is supposed to meet the transport costs, accommodation and feeding of the members of the judiciary Integrity Committee who are on the […]

KCCA councilors approved to get loans, praise Jennifer Musisi

All councilors in Kampala at both division and LC5 are full of smiles after the city director; Jenifer Musisi cleared them to get loans from DFCU bank. This time there was no discrimination. All councilors irrespective of their political briefs have been given loans. The biggest number of councilors at KCCA is from NRM and the second […]