
Get opportunity in Research for Lawyers from Developing Countries

Research Scholarships for Lawyers: UNIDROIT’s Scholarships Programme offers Research Scholarships for Lawyers from Developing Countries and Countries in Economic Transition A scholarship (average length: two months, with a minimum of six weeks; exceptionally, four months in the case of the UK Foundation) may cover all or part of the cost of living in Rome for […]

A4C condemns violence

  Members of Activists for Change (A4C) are nonviolent. So we condemn all violence and perpetrators of violence in the country. Those policemen and army men in police uniform who attack unarmed civilians during A4C rallies and provoke violence are strongly condemned by the A4C leaders. Anne Mugisha, one of the A4C leaders says that […]

Cardinal asks Police to respect uniform they wear, civilians

  Cardinal Emmanuel Wamala has asked the members of the police force to respect the uniform they put on and the civilians whose tax the government uses to buy policemen uniforms. Preaching in the morning mass at Rubaga Catholic Cathedral in Kampala today, the cardinal told the policemen to respect the constitution of Uganda, other […]