
Some interesting facts you need to know

~the word “Nike” comes frm a Greek Mythology. Nike is the goddess of victory and was often depicted as a small winged figure whom the goddess Athene carried. ~the most spoke language in the world is not English but the Mandarin (Chinese language). ~if a bee stings you, it dies. ~the national anthem of Greece […]

Apply for Hilde Back Education Fund for Secondary School

  Hilde Back Education Fund: Thousands of bright children in Kenya especially in the rural areas continue to drop out of primary and secondary school because of lack of funds. Hilde Back Education Fund (HBEF) is a charitable community-based group registered under the laws of Kenya to pursue the following objectives: To provide education scholarships […]

Opportunity calling at Colt Foundation Fellowships

  Colt Foundation Fellowships: The Foundation awards Fellowships each year to persons who are qualified in science or medicine who are carrying out research within the area of occupational and environmental health, and applications are now invited from prospective students who are interested in further study in this area. The Fellowship is normally for three […]

Opportunity calling at Women’s Leadership Scholarship

  Value of scholarship: $25,000 per year. For: studies worldwide Study in: a country of your choice Non-doctoral graduate study only The Native Leadership Scholarship (NLS) program creates educational opportunities for women around the world who are grassroots leaders, organizers and activists demonstrating financial need. Women’s Leadership Scholarship (NLS) invests in women’s leadership and leadership […]

Applications needed at Leopold Senghor Scholarships

Applications needed at Leopold Senghor Scholarships Leopold Senghor Scholarships: Recipients of the Leopold Senghor Scholarship are high-quality candidates who meet the HEC MBA standard selection criteria and have demonstrated: Excellence in academic achievements Aptitude in business, finance and management Leadership potential Profound interest in West Africa with a deep commitment to its economic development. Scholarship […]

Bat Conservation International Scholarships

Bat Conservation International Scholarships: Each year, Bat Conservation International Scholarships support graduate students in conducting conservation-relevant research. Lack of knowledge about bat ecology and behaviour is one of the greatest impediments to bat conservation progress. The goal of this program is to support exceptionally talented students in research initiatives that will contribute new knowledge essential […]

WTO Internship Programme

The WTO secretariat maintains a limited internship programme for post-graduate university students wishing to gain practical experience and deeper knowledge of the multilateral trading system. Eligibility back: Interns are recruited from among nationals of WTO Members and countries and customs territories engaged in accession negotiations. Interns will have completed their undergraduate studies in a relevant […]

UNECE calls for Internship Programme

The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) accepts interns from time to time on an ad hoc basis. The internships are open to graduate or post-graduate students, who have specialized in a field related to UNECE programmes of work, namely: environment, transport, statistics, sustainable energy, trade, timber and forests, housing and land management, population, […]

Apply for ICARDA Internship

ICARDA Internship: ICARDA’s internship program is designed to provide practical experience in research and other areas of the Center’s activities for eligible applicants. The subject should be of mutual interest to the intern and the hosting Program/Unit of ICARDA. The internship will usually be for a period of one to six months, as per the […]