
Chinese language to be taught in Ugandan Secondary Schools

Chinese language to be taught in Ugandan Secondary Schools

The Chinese government has agreed to a proposal submitted by the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Sports seeking for 30.8 billion shillings to enable introduction of Chinese language in Uganda’s education syllabus. This language, according to the plan, is supposed to be taught in all secondary schools in the country. This development is contained in […]

Master of Science in Water Resources and Livelihood Security

Master of Science in Water Resources and Livelihood Security Master of Science in Water Resources and Livelihood Security Scholarships: The Swedish Institute offers a few Master of Science in Water Resources and Livelihood Security Scholarships to students from developing countries. The scholarships are for study at Linköping University, Sweden. Minimum admission requirements for master’s studies […]

Appl y for Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management

Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management Scholarships: Master of Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management (Oceans and Lakes) addresses students with a background in Sciences. Oceans & Lakes is an inter-university programme organized by the Faculty of Sciences of Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB, Free University of Brussels), Universiteit Antwerpen (UA, Antwerp University) and […]

L’ORÉAL/UNESCO Regional Fellowships for Women in Science

  For Women in Science Programme is launching of the L’Oréal-UNESCO Regional fellowships For Women in Science in Sub-Sahara Africa to assist women scientists in Sub-Saharan to realize important scientific research in all fields of science, engineering and technology. This fellowship is open to all women citizens and permanent residents from Sub-Saharan African countries. Fellowships […]

Study WTO Internship Programme for post-graduates

The WTO secretariat maintains a limited internship programme for post-graduate university students wishing to gain practical experience and deeper knowledge of the multilateral trading system. Eligibility back: Interns are recruited from among nationals of WTO Members and countries and customs territories engaged in accession negotiations. Interns will have completed their undergraduate studies in a relevant […]

British Federation of Women Graduates Foundation Grants

British Federation of Women Graduates Foundation Grants: British Federation of Women Graduates (BFWG) makes financial awards by Annual Competition each year to women research students entering into their final year of formal study towards a doctoral higher degree (PhD, DPhil, DMus, etc) whether it be for writing up or research. You are eligible to apply […]

Get British Ecological Society Overseas Bursaries

British Ecological Society (BES) Overseas Bursaries: The British Ecological Society (BES) Overseas Bursaries scheme provides grants for ecologists in developing countries to carry out innovative ecological research. It aims to support excellent ecological science in Africa. Each grant is normally up to £7,000 over an 18 month period and is intended for the purchase of […]

ATREE Small Grants Program

ATREE Small Grants Program ATREE Small Grants Program: Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE), Bangalore, India invites proposals from individuals for research projects under its Small Grants program. Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) focuses on application of science to conservation of nature and sustainable use of […]

WTO Internship Programme

The WTO secretariat maintains a limited internship programme for post-graduate university students wishing to gain practical experience and deeper knowledge of the multilateral trading system. Eligibility back: Interns are recruited from among nationals of WTO Members and countries and customs territories engaged in accession negotiations. Interns will have completed their undergraduate studies in a relevant […]

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