
How to manage spina bifida?

  Prevention of further damage to bladder and kidneys can be achieved through routine catheterization to fully empty the patient’s bladder. This procedure called Clean intermittent Catheterization [CIC] can be taught to children from four or five years of age and to parents. A tube is inserted through the patient’s vagina or penis up to […]

Activists concerned about high cases of physical violence against children in Uganda

Child rights activists say physical violence remains the most common and most visible form of child abuse in Uganda. This is closely followed by sexual abuse, child neglect and emotional abuse which is cross cutting. According to Peter Bahemuka of Raising Voices, if a child is molested or subjected to any other form of abuse, […]

Apply for Clive West Travel Grants

Clive West Travel Grants: The Clive West Micronutrient Fund (CWMF) awards travel grants of up to € 1000 to attend (international) meetings in the field of micronutrient research. Applicants can also apply for financial support up to € 2500 as a contribution towards studies or research in the area of micronutrient research. The fund especially […]

Private Sector Foundation to award exemplary companies

In one of the celebrations to mark Uganda’s Golden Jubilee since Independence, the Private Sector Foundation is considering awarding the top 50 companies that have served Ugandans with their products and services for more than 10years. The Executive Director Gideon Badagawa says it’s important to appreciate the companies that have helped our economy to develop […]

Vegetables that form alkaline effects on your body

  Most vegetables and fruits in Africa, and Asia have alkaline-forming effects on your body fluids. Doctors say that most grains, animal-based foods, and highly refined and processed foods and man-made fake foods have an acid-forming effect on your body fluids.This varies from slight to great. Alkaline effects are higher with the foods which are […]

British Federation of Women Graduates Foundation Grants

British Federation of Women Graduates Foundation Grants: British Federation of Women Graduates (BFWG) makes financial awards by Annual Competition each year to women research students entering into their final year of formal study towards a doctoral higher degree (PhD, DPhil, DMus, etc) whether it be for writing up or research. You are eligible to apply […]

Aply for Medical Internship in Africa

Flexible medical student internships – 2 weeks minimum – All year round Medical Internships Africa: Advance Africa provides medical internships, nursing internships, midwifery internships, dental internships, physiotherapy internships and work experience placements in Africa. The internships have been designed specifically to meet the needs of medical students training to be doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, nurses and […]

Causes of painful sex, genital swellings

Painful sex and genital swellings are closely associated with warts which are a form of sexually transmitted infection. Genetical warts are skin infections of the genital, oral and anal areas as far as the cervix, cavatina, rectum lining, penis-head, urethra, mouth and throats. The warts are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). It affects […]