
Michael Ross apologizes for kissing Caleb Alaka’s girl friend Jackie Chandiru

Terrible: Singer Michael Ross reportedly kissed his fellow singer, Jackie Chandiru live on stage when her hubby Caleb Alaka was in ‘class’ of Club Rouge. We have been told that Ross kissed Chandiru without knowing that her hubby was around. The kiss Ross gave Chandiru was taken by many like an enchroachment on Alaka’s territory. […]

Hospital in Entebbe closed due to load shedding

Grade B hospital in Entebbe town has failed to reopen due to the long hours of load shedding. The hospital’s medical superintendent, Dr. Martin Okmal says that the hospital has failed to handle complicated cases like operating on delivering women due to lack of electricity in the hospital. He says that they recently closed the […]

Mafias want Tamale Mirundi sacked

We cannot tell exactly who the mafias in the government are but the presidential press secretary Tamale Mirundi insists that mafias now are pressuring president Museveni to sack him. Sources at statehouse have informed us that the so called mafias have already told Museveni that it is better to sack Mirundi alleging that it is […]