
Why president Museveni is grooming his son to replace him

It is like now a habit for African dictators to position their sons and close family members to replace them after their death.  In Black Africa, Equatorial Guinea’s President is also grooming his son to succeed him at the helm of this tiny but oil-ric African country. The repression is very brutal in Equatorial Guinea and the son of […]

Fuel tanks loaded with fuel arrive at Besigye’s petrol stations in Kampala

  The good news perhaps to motorists and drivers today is that at least 10 trucks loaded with fuel have arrived in Kampala and they have been seen filling Col. Kiiza Besigye’s petrol stations in Nsambya, Namirembe road and Mengo Kisenyi. This fuel has arrived in Kampala at the time when Uganda is experiencing fuel […]

Causes of corns and treatment

  Wearing of closed high heeled shoes is one of the major causes of corns (enkyakya). Some of the remedies for corns are as follows: Use a pumice stone to gently rub the corns after soaking them in warm water for about 30 minutes. Apply baby oil on it and never use a sharp blade […]

Coconut oil is a supplement for relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, HIV and cancer

People use coconut oil as a supplement for relief from kidney problems, heart diseases, HIV and cancer. Its milk is used in preparation of food because of its sweet taste and aroma. It also contains substances that ease digestion, guarding against constipation, aids colon cleansing, thus preventing colon cancer. Coconut milk foraminate complexion: its rich […]