
Discover hidden treasure in rock salt

  Rock salt (ekisula in Luganda Language) is referred to as halite mineral, is formed by evaporation of salty water which contains dissolved sodium chloride and less potassium ions. For many people, rock salt is a tenderiser that helps soften food eg dry beans. Many people unconsciously benefit from it. Its potassium and sodium Ions […]

Advantages of eating fish

  By eating more fish, you are automatically eating less red meat and processed meats like sausages, hotdogs or bacon. So this means you are eating less artery-clogging saturated fats. Omega-3 fats in fish also improve blood flow by reducing inflammation in the arteries and making blood less likely to clot. They also boost the […]

How smoking and heart disease linked

  Smoke contains chemicals that damage the lining of the blood vessels, producing inflammation and increasing fatty deposits in the arteries. Ingredients like nicotine raise blood pressure, increase heart rate and also reduce oxygen flow to the tissues, according to medical research findings at Mulago hospital. Smoking is a destructive lifestyle choice that doctors and […]

Types of stroke and remedies for stroke

  STROKE happens when the blood supplied to the brain is interrupted and the brain doesn’t get the oxygen it needs. The condition is a medical emergency and every minute counts.  A stroke can be categorized as ISCHEMIC or HEMORRHAGIC STROKE. An Ischemic stroke is caused by a blood clot that blocks or plugs a […]

Eat tomatoes to prevent heart disease.

Tomatoes they’re sweet, juicy, and delicious and have vitamins and low in calories yet they’re fat-free. Tomatoes are most especially grown in the shade due to its weak stem The tomato is considered as fruit and vegetable, it can be consumed in different ways, by eating it raw, using it as an ingredient in many […]

Causes of fluid build ups (hydrocephalus) in heads

  Hydrocephalus is increasingly becoming a health threat in Uganda and in many African states. The disease can be referred to as an accumulation of fluids in the brain. This watery fluid travels through the ventricles around the brain, down to the spinal cord, returning to the blood through special veins. However when it doesn’t […]

How chronic hepatitis B infection can be prevented

  Many people in Uganda are living with chronic hepatitis B infection, an infection that causes liver cancer according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Country advisor Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) surveillance, Dr. Innocent Mwesigye. He says that Northern Uganda has the highest cases of chronic hepatitis B infection with over 25% of the […]