
Cucumber and carrots health foods for children

Fresh raw vegetables such as carrots and cucumber are healthy snacks for children, because veggies contain fibre that keeps the digestive system healthy and functioning. Raw veggies are also rich in plant hormones, oxygen, vitamins, minerals and enzymes which the body needs to break down foods. Green vegetables provide a healthy combination of proteins, calcium, […]

Importance of eating garlic

Importance of eating garlic

Garlic (or alliums sativum) is a wonder plant and it’s a member of the Lily family and perhaps a cousin to onions and leeks. Alliums sativum (garlic) may help to improve iron metabolism because the daily sulfides in it can help increase production of protein called FERROPORTION. Garlic is what scientists call aseleniferous plant since […]

Food for high density and immune support

Food for high density and immune support

Here there is the recommended food for high-density nutrition and immune support. Base your meals around fresh vegetables, and whole grains and quality source of lean protein e.g. beans, lentils, fish and organic poultry. Eat un-sweated yogurt to replace friendly bacteria, vegetables and green drinks will improve your resistance to candida albicans. Drink 8 glasses […]

Heart disease: foods to avoid

Heart disease: foods to avoid

  If you have a heart disease you must eliminate or drastically reduce yourr consumption of harmful fats such as saturated fats, trans-fatty acids or hydrogenated fats. The common sources of saturated fats or cholestrol include meat, poultry, diary products, butter, eggs, palm oil and coconut oil. Don’t forget that many foods are made with […]

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