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Why Uganda is not independent from European colonialists?

Is Uganda really independent when over 40% of our budget is sponsored by European colonial powers? When people are in causality and ward 3B of Mulago hospital waiting and getting no medical attention, ‘waiting to die,’ when one ‘s freedom can be taken away anytime, like in the case of col. Kiiza Besigye and Kampala […]

Is Uganda’s intelligence network at war with Kenya?

Uganda’s intelligence believes there must have been a conspiracy into the suspected gun down of the threeUgandajet fighters by the suspected Al Shabaab militants. Sources within Uganda and Somalia military intelligence networks suspect it that there are some individuals within Kenyan intelligence and forces that do cooperate direct with Al Shabaab and they are not […]

Controversial statements ever made by President Museveni and Gen. Kahinda Otafire

  Recently when president Museveni was explaining to Ugandans his side on the nation ID money which was reportedly mismanaged by some of his key people in government, in one of the statements he reportedly stated that Eriya Kategaya voted eight times during the 1980 general elections! Kategaya is currently Uganda’s First Deputy Prime Minister […]

Controversial statements ever made by President Museveni and Gen. Kahinda Otafire

  Recently when president Museveni was explaining to Ugandans his side on the nation ID money which was reportedly mismanaged by some of his key people in government, in one of the statements he reportedly stated that Eriya Kategaya voted eight times during the 1980 general elections! Kategaya is currently Uganda’s First Deputy Prime Minister […]

DP denies being in bed with NRM

  There is an apparent war within Uganda opposition parties with some sharp allegations to the effect that some member parties like the Democratic Party (DP) have allied with the National Resistance Movement (NRM). However the spokesperson of DP, Kenneth Paul Kakande clears that there is no such alliance between DP and NRM. There is […]

Why Ugandans don’t support Bishop Sentamu to head Anglican Church

  Why Ugandans should not support Bishop Ssentamu to head the Anglican Church even if he is a Ugandan, as long as Bishop Ssentamu believes and even went to extent of removing his dog collar that President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe has done more and worse crimes against his people and humanity than his family […]

Ken Lukyamuzi says Museveni abused office many times

President General of the Conservative Party, John Ken Lukyamuzi told newsmen that President Museveni, whom he called a dictator, has abused his office many times. He says that Museveni who has ruledUgandafor over 26 years caused war in Great Lakes Region, looted goods in Democratic Republic of Congo, and mismanagedUganda’s economy. Lukyamuzi, who is also […]

Justice Kanyeihamba wants government to honour late Kayiira

Justice Kanyeihamba wants government to honour late Kayiira Justice G. W Kanyeihamba has today barred the secrets on the crevasse of his mind. Justice Kanyeihamba says that the government should recognize Late Andrew Kayiira (he was a military man and a member of the Democratic Party) for his work in the liberation struggle. While he […]

What some Ugandans think about America’s interests in LRA war

  Many people across the world have expressed mixed reactions about the content of the video about LRA war and its commander Joseph Kony being played in USA and Europe. Some Ugandans and Africans have welcomed USA’s interests in ending the bloody LRA war. But others complain that when Joseph Kony was maiming people in […]

FDC announces its love with LRA rebel leader Joseph Kony

Let me join the fray on the LRA rebel Leader Joseph Kony ‘2012.’ Why am I not getting as angry as most people around the world seem to be about the documentary on the atrocities Joseph Kony and his rebels have reportedly committed against humanities? In the documentary Russell does mention that Joseph Kony has […]

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